Founded in 1968, Savio College (more information is available on our Facebook page) is a Salesian Catholic school founded on the educational philosophy of St. John Bosco. It is a secondary school for boys situated in the midst of the countryside outside of Dingli, Malta. The college has a vast academic curriculum enhanced by a number to extra curricular activities. Its Salesian nature clearly identifies the ethos and spirit that makes Savio College.  Many people state that the moment one enters the school, one feels that she/he has entered a home and not a school. There is a clear sense of being welcomed, feeling at ease and part of a family. This is not a coincidence but is a direct result of the way things are done at the college.


Mission Statement

The Salesian way of education is based on ensuring that everyone forming part of the school — students, parents and teachers – feel that they are respected and loved by one and all. There is a feeling of optimism and cheerfulness that underlie all that goes on in the school. This is what Don Bosco meant by Loving Kindness.

Decisions taken by the Senior Leadership Team are explained to students, parents and teachers. Similarly, decisions taken by teachers are explained to students in class. When there is disagreement on some matter, all views are listened to, and final decisions are reasoned and explained with all parties involved. This is what Don Bosco meant by Reason.

The Sacraments are an essential pillar of the college. Form Holy Masses are just one aspect of the religious framework on which all the college activities take place. This is what Don Bosco meant by Religion. Thus the ethos of Savio College can be summarised as one where family spirit, cheerfulness and respect can clearly be felt; a spirit formed by loving kindness, reason and religion.